
Anything you dream is fiction,
and anything you accomplish is science,
the whole history of mankind is nothing but science fiction.
- Ray Bradbury
April 30th, 2013

Ray Bradbury Classics Finally Coming as eBooks – GalleyCat

16 classic Ray Bradbury books are coming to digital booksellers for the very first time.

Bradbury books for the Kindle have only been available from some Russian sites where they were sloppily scanned and full of mistakes. I am looking forward to paying for “Something Wicked This Way Comes”. I owe it to the master.

via Ray Bradbury Classics Finally Coming as eBooks – GalleyCat.

April 25th, 2013

Checked the bees

I opened up the bee packages to check them and I put on a second box on all three. The picture shows capped pollen (the tan cells) and the rest is uncapped honey. The bees have to reduce the moisture content of the honey until it is thick and then they cap it. There was capped honey along the top of some of the frames that I could see. The goal here is to have the bees put away enough stores to last through the fall and winter.

These bees are doing all right. I did not do much poking around as I do not want to disturb the bees too much and I did not want to accidentally hurt the queen, so I did not see brood. The bees generally do not work this hard though if they don’t have a queen. The number of bees means to me that new bees are hatching out now.

April 22nd, 2013

Another Disappointment

7 weeks after I applied, with 5 interviews, I found out today that one of the jobs I am up for was down to two people and they offered it to the other guy. I wouldn’t mind so much, but after all the discussion and back and forth on this job, I began to want it. I think I would have been able to get it if I had not wanted it.

Tomorrow is another interview.

I have to be careful not to want it too much.

April 22nd, 2013

Goodnight Dune

This is very cute, but only for those of us who have read Dune more 8 or 9 times.

Goodnight Dune.

April 19th, 2013

Episodes – TOS Star Trek Continues

Much better than you’d think.

The new Star Trek Continues Web Series carries on the original 5-year mission. Star Trek Continues begins right where the original left off. To bridge the original series to Star Trek Continues, we have created some vignettes to catch us up on the crew as they begin the 4th year of their 5-year mission. The first full episode begins filming in January 2013.

via Episodes – Star Trek Continues.

April 16th, 2013

From David Brin

David Brin is an SF writer that I read. Here is is take on yesterdays bombing:

It is mid-April. Perforce, whatever terrorist acts we see this time of year are not presumed to be perpetrated by overseas religious fanatics. Oh, sure, our agents and satellites are scurrying about, sniffing in those directions for clues and signs, as well some of them should. Still, I’ll wager that the core of investigative attention is being paid to our home-grown monsters. Angry men whose fixations, hallucinations, grievances and heroes revolve around this week. Tax Day. Waco and Timothy McVeigh’s murderous bombing in Oklahoma City. Hitler’s Birthday. Columbine, the Virginia Tech Massacre. And warped interpretation of the Patriots’ Day anniversary of Lexington and Concord.

If you have a crazy uncle or former roommate who mutters horrid fantasies, keep a special eye open during early April, from now on. In this coming era, our paid protectors will not suffice. As I portray in EXISTENCE, we will all be (in the far truer spirit of 1776) citizen soldiers, using our cell-phone cameras and networks and noses and instincts to help protect America and civilization from lunatics. Whether it is North Koreans smuggling in a dirty bomb or your cousin waging war against his own nation, we will be the front line.

Get used to it.