
I’ve been using DropBox to share files between my computers for about a month now and it has been extremely useful.

DropBox is FREE. It provides automatic backup of all your files, and it is secure.

How I use it:
I work on a story or a personal program at work and whenever I save it, DropBox copies the new version to its secure website. This is automatic and I don’t have to do anything. When I get home and turn on my laptop, the files that I worked on at work are magically sitting in my dropbox folder on the laptop. I can continue working on my story, and when I get to work the next morning the latest version is waiting for me there.

DropBox also keeps versions of your work. If I make a major change to a file and decide I’d like to look at the version from last week, I can go to dropbox and grab the old copy of the file.

DropBox provides versioned backups of my projects, and it allows me to work on the same file from home or work transparently. Once I install DropBox on my machine I can forget about it. You get a Giga-Byte for free and I have not even started to fill that up.

Try it out by visiting the DropBox website. (if you click on the link, I get another 250-megs of free storage, although I don’t need it, yet.)