Blue Update

My blog is now getting twice as many hits as normal. I guess everyone is waiting to see how Blue is doing.

Last night he hid under the couch and then went upstairs to hide in the bedroom. He fled when we came up. This morning he was not at his place at the food bowl. He’s hiding under the couch again. The poor guy is quite traumatized. Erica is worried about him, but this is to be expected. He is a wild cat and not socialized, yet. He doesn’t trust us and doesn’t understand.

He will get over it. I am sure that by tonight he will be queuing up for kibble. By the weekend, he will mostly have forgotten the incident.

In a month or so, the hormones will be out of his system. This will help him to socialize. He won’t be at odds with the other cats and will not be as aggressive. His urine spraying behavior will hopefully disappear. He might let me pet him in a couple of weeks.

I predict that by Memorial Day (if not sooner) he will be sleeping on the bed.

Domestic cats must become kittens again. A cat who has learned adult behavior must unlearn this, and learn to be a child. He must see the other cats as his litter mates and not rivals. He has to learn that Erica and are his parents and we will provide all the food and affection that he needs. Adjusting is a long process for a feral cat who is used to fending for himself. He doesn’t know that petting is a good thing. He doesn’t believe that the food will always be there.

Being a pet is a learned behavior.