Looking for Alternatives to Amazon Context Links

I got an email from Amazon:

At this time, we will no longer be offering Context Links.  Starting  October 14, 2008,  any Context Links on your site will be disabled and revert back to regular text.  You do not have to take any action unless you d like to modify your existing content to use some of the alternatives available which are outlined below.

I made a few bucks off of the context links. It worked especially well on my lyrics web pages and my generated content pages. It wasn’t much. I figured that I made $1 a day for the last year or so off of Amazon. I did not put it on the highest traffic sites as I don’t want them to be advertising heavy. It was the only part of the Amazon affiliates program that worked well for me.

My goal now is to find alternatives. I tried the www.chitika.com Linx context links, but they were selecting random text from a page and linking it to something totally unrelated. I pulled it as soon as I saw what it was doing. I have Chitika premium and their eMiniMalls also and I make about 20¢ per day, which is not worth aggravating readers over. Goodbye Chitika.

I just applied for Kontera Context links at www.Kontera.com., Kontera however pays less than Chitika or Amazon in some reviews that I have read. Another alternative is www.clicksor.com, which does the context link thing, but indications are that clicksor has a poor payout also. I am also concerned that you might not be able to put the clicksor and kontera links on pages with Adsense or Google will get upset. Adsense still out performs any other type of ad 15 to 1.

What I really need is for Adsense to have a product that links the keywords on a page the way that Amazon did.