Kevin Kelly – The Expansion of Ignorance

Kevin Kelly has an interesting article with some nice graphs on the topic The Expansion of Ignorance. He clearly shows the rapid rise of information and knowledge, but Kelly posits that what we are really doing is providing new questions. The finding of answers does not keeping up with the discovery of mysteries.

We may be rapidly heading for the “Singularity”, but there is there is a built-in governor device that is holding us back. Along with our increase in knowledge comes an increase in ignorance.

Yet the paradox of science is that every answer breeds at least two new questions. More answers, more questions. Telescopes and microscopes expanded not only what we knew, but what we didn't know. They allowed us to spy into our ignorance. New and better tools permit us new and better questions.

Kelly’s conclusion is “…we have not yet reached our maximum ignorance.

Kevin Kelly — The Technium