Monthly Archives: October 2018

Mysterious Shadow Hacker Patches 100,000 routers

There is a guy named Alexy who has patched a vulnerability in over 100,000 MicroTik routers. These routers are loved by hackers who can get at user passwords and load up things like bitcoin mining software onto them. Alexy is, without permission, fixing the security holes in routers, but at the same time is making […]

Should you delete your Facebook account?

There is much discussion about the value and dangers of social media. Personally I have a rule that I only have “friends” that actually are friends and are real people that I’ve met (or at least talked to on the phone). I only have about 30 FB friends. This keeps things quite real and, in […]

Eclipse Corona by John Shirley

I walked into a Philadelphia bookstore back in the 1980s and discovered John Shirley's Eclipse. I've been a super fan ever since. The Eclipse trilogy (aka A Song Called Youth) is ground zero for the Cyberpunk movement in Science Fiction - the first really new sub-genre of SF in 20 years. It is a constant […]