Old Newspaper Ads

I found this site that has extracts from the New York newspapers from the middle 1700s. They are a very interesting read. Here are a couple.

New York Mercury  December 12, 1763 My perfidious wife Catherine, by her disobedient and incontinent behavior towards me, hath obliged me in justice to my honor and fortune, to publish her as a disobedient and scandalous person, both in the New York papers, and on the most noted places of the town where I dwell, prohibiting all persons to trust her on my account, or to conceal or harbor her at their peril; yet she hath still persisted (in spite of age and infirmity) in the most shameful manner, to prostitute herself and my estate to the rapaciousness of those as infamously scandalous as herself; and hath eloped once, and again, robbing me of some hundred pounds worth in goods from my shop, which she hath prodigally dissipated to the ruin fully of my quiet, and almost of my fortune: and that this Catherine of Pollution, may be no longer seen than detested, I hereby specify her to be a thin spare small woman, having lost partly the use of her lest arm, and before finger of the same, is dead; usually wears a black patch under he left eye, to conceal a fistula, and is in the 53rd year of her age; and that she may carry her extravagance to the highest pitch, some times assumes the name of Catherine Fowler, and practices that art of peddling, selling partly the goods she hath thus robbed me of. These are therefore to assure any perform a reasonable reward that shall seize the goods she may be possessed as on my account, hereby warranting any lawful proceedings thereof. New-Branford, September 20, 1763. Patrick Hayes

New York Gazette  February 13, 1764 Whereas Oliver Loshier, on Friday last the 10th instant, very falsely advertised me as having eloped from his bed and board; that I had not only run him in debt, but was continuing to do so; and afterwards forewarns all persons either to credit or harbor me.—The public may be assured, that he very shamefully and abusively turned me out of his house on occasion of only a single and most trifling family occurrence which his impatience, (through liquor) could not overlook, when a more considerate personwould.—I also declare, I have neither run him, or attempted to run him in debt: nor do I intend it: –It is therefore a false and malicious advertisement. Elizabeth Loshier.