Random Hugo Award Winning Novel Widget

I wrote a wordpress widget that displays a random Hugo Award winning novel. It has a text file with a description and an ASIN so it can display almost anything on Amazon at random.

The widget has a place to enter the webmaster’s affiliate ID so it is pretty generic. I have only entered the first dozen Hugo winners so far. It’s a pain looking up each amazon ASINĀ  since the early 1950s (sometimes there were even ties).

This was a request from Steve Davidson.

You should be able to see the widget on the right a little ways down.

One Comment

  1. flattered!

    I have the asins – not gathered but already gotten – here http://www.rimworlds.com/thecrotchetyoldfan/?page_id=5162


    Nebulas too…

    I used to have the nominees for both and have to get back to gathering them, but lost that data when moving the website…

    where can I go to download it?

    Friday, October 9, 2009 at 6:44 am | Permalink