Monthly Archives: June 2009

Lyme Disease

I got it.   That last tick was a nasty one. I have to take nasty horse pills for a few weeks.

William Gibson is on Twitter Bummer – this is bad.


It rained most of the day, but that did not prevent us from stopping by some of the beaches and walking around. My goal was to get my feet wet, but it was cold and nasty so all we did was take a walk. Here are pictures of Mom collecting shells on the beach at […]

Annual Cape trip

Larry and I headed out to Cape Cod. We are not doing anything new this year. We even have the exact same room in the hotel in Hyannis. I have free wifi again so I can upload the pics as I take them. Larry hit the bed and started channel surfing. Mom is asleep in […]

World’s End, T. Coraghessan Boyle (1987)

This is a novel that I want to like and in some ways I think is really good. I am however at odds with some of the things that the author does and there are some aspects of the book that I dislike. The novel blends the history of the lower Hudson Valley with the […]

Cats Getting High on Catnip

Seamus McManus: Beekeeper; Father of Cloud Computing

Tick Bite

I get tick bites from time to time. The cats bring in the ticks and sleep on the bed or the ticks jump on me when I inspect the bees. I get tested for Lyme disease regularly, but I have a feeling that I may have developed antibodies because it never comes back positive. About […]