all ur sciantist r belong to us

Steinn SigurĂ°sson had some funny comments on his blog about changes in NASA administration. The white house has promoted a 20 something woman with no experience and, evidently, no science, to be white house liaison to NASA.

“man, the WH liasion up in the Admin office is a GS-15 level position, young Jane just doubled her salary to $110k – $143k, plus any performance bonuses.
Nice work if you can get it.
Wonder if she gets to order Mather around? Tell Alan Stern what the Science priorities are?”

Dynamics of Cats : all ur sciantist r belong to us:

One Comment

  1. J Erwine wrote:

    Sounds like the White House to me…

    Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 6:09 pm | Permalink