Wizard At Large

I just finished listening to the abridged tape of Terry Brooks’ third Magic Kingdom of Landover novel, Wizard At Large. It was very silly. I enjoy Terry Brooks, but he does have a tendency towards being too cute in this series. I’ve read the first two novels and I thought that Magic Kingdom for Sale – Sold! was the best. The tape is not worth saving to listen to again. Anyone want it before I send it out for auction? I’ll pay media mail postage if you promise to send it back when you are done.

The Wondrous Worlds of Terry Brooks – Wizard At Large

I understand that Terry has sold the movie rights to Magic Kingdom… and that a Director has been chosen and several versions of the script were produced. This does not mean that there will ever be a movie. This could be a good kids movie. The plot might be easier to bring to the stage than the Narnia books. Neil Gaiman’s movie, Stardust, if it is a success, may spur Hollywood into making more fantasy films from popular books.

I am now listening to Philip Jose Farmer’s book To Your Scattered Bodies Go. This is the first River World book. I’ve read the book twice and now I am enjoying listening to the tape while I cross the hated TZ bridge.