Illo for "Note to Self"

Chris has been working. I was shown my story at Static Movement and it has an illustration by Kevin James Hurtack. My only objection is that is suffers from a pixel resize by the browser. It needs some work in resizing it. I have smoothed the image and then resized it here. It is 1/5 the size and loads much faster and is much clearer. I will send it to Chris.
Chris fixed it!


  1. Chris Bartholomew wrote:

    Noted and fixed…I like the illustration, I think it goes super well with the story.
    It’s a great story by the way…I’ve read it a hundred times trying to make sure there are no mistakes…will I ever get sure enough of myself with this to relax?

    Monday, December 19, 2005 at 6:17 pm | Permalink
  2. Chris Bartholomew wrote:

    Oh, hey…you might want to give Kevin James Hurtack credit for the illustration since you put the image on your blog…Please.

    Monday, December 19, 2005 at 7:37 pm | Permalink