Monthly Archives: November 2005

Fumets Chapter 7

I wrote chapter 7 today of Fumets. I had written chapter 6 last Friday and I posted it this morning. I have written about 10,000 words and solved a problem that I was having about sequential chapters separated by time being too similar. I have an easy chapter to write tomorrow and then the next […]

A November Day

I came home today and the ground in the side yard was aflame with fallen Japanese Maple leaves. I thought that’d I’d take a picture or two. The second picture is going to be my desktop graphic at work.I don’t rake leaves or pay illegal immigrants to do it, the way most of neighbors do. […]

Baen’s Astounding Stories

I just read this at Baen’s Bar: After some back and forth between us and the people who claim to own the trademark for the name “Astounding,” we’ve decided it isn’t worth the hassle of squabbling with them about it. They have been visited, I take it, by the same suits who came to talk […]

Rewrite request from Baen

My story, The Lucky Strike, submitted two weeks ago to Baen’s Astounding Stories spawned the following response from Paula Goodlett, their Slush Reader. I’d read this before I left and like it quite a bit. As well, Rick Boatright pointed it out to me and he likes it quite well. We both think it’s a […]


I officially haved a working furnace. I did the gas piping myself yesterday. I started up the furnace and I found a couple of drips in the hot water pipes, but nothing major. I’ll fix that when I get a warm day. I am not happy with the thermostat and zone hookup. I am not […]

Sold "Quantum Genie" to Fifth Di…

I sold my YA adventure tale Quantum Genie to SamsDotPublishing and it will appear in The Fifth Di… in the December issue. I had previous written this as a story about two old fart anthroplogists returning from a dig, but it made far more sense as two kids and a strange artifact. The kids interact […]

Sci-Fi Private Eye, Isaac Asimov Audio

Sci-Fi Private Eyeby Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg (Editor) I found this at, a good source for inexpensive books on tape. I listened to it last week and I found it mostly great stuff. For you Phillip K. Dick-heads there is a nice PKD story War Games. It’s a lightweight story with a nice PKD […]

Fumets Chapter 3

I’ve added another chapter to Fumets, my novella. I’ve taken the strategy of stopping every chapter at a high point and starting another. The story is not linear. I am not starting at the beginning and working towards the end. I am jumping around in time until I finish the entire back-story and then I […]