Erica’s new camera

Erica did quite a bit of research and found that the Nikon DK-70 is, for the money, the best camera for someone like her – a beginner trying to learn photography. So far, she is studying the manual and taking a course in photography. In the mean time, I am taking the pictures. I set it on Auto Mode and started snapping pictures. Today, a rainy cold day in April, I put on the the telephoto lense and took some pictures in the back yard. Then, I carried it with me on our walk around Rockland Lake. As you can tell the pictures are very much better than the old HP camera that I have been using.

Here are some pics:

What would this blog be without a closeup of Gracie.

Max was sculking about.

Our yard is an official backyard habitat.

Now on to wildlife at Rockland Lake.

It started raining when we where about halfway around the lake; cold rain, with frozen drops of ice in it. Here are some cold people walking with us.

The last picture that I took of a robin, it was just blur. With the telephoto lense, I got this picture of a female Robin, swollen with her unlaid eggs. The camera is too smart. It focused on the branches in the foreground and the robin is slightly out of focus.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous wrote:

    These Pictures are nice. I grew up in Rockland Lake. To me the State did a big injustice to the residents of Rockland Lake, (all families from immigrants-irish-italian-and Slovakian.
    Today half the town is a park, the other half houses of those lucky enough to still be there, plus the unused clearings from homes now covered by debri, wildlife, and foliage.
    Why the state even wanted to move the Cementery.

    I am glas people have a place to swim and play golf, they needed it. What the heck people don’t need to live in houses their ancestors built, people don’t need to live in a community of releatives and peace.
    Lets play golf, its more important.
    I can not look at Rockland Lake without thinking of the damn politicians that took her true beauty away.
    May they rot in a place unloved and without beauty.

    Truly yours,
    One of the original slovakian settlers of Rockland Lake New York

    Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 4:42 pm | Permalink