Kenny Barnett

Kenny died last week. He was a sweet guy and will be missed.

Kenny was a few years younger than me or Larry. I remember him as a skinny kid who followed me around as I delivered papers. He has been my friend and my brother’s friend for 50 years. He played pretty good bass guitar and it was always fun to jam with him. He was good at working on cars and fixed my old heaps more than once.

Kenny has been sick and unable to work. He had a stroke, but the he was denied disability. He had an implanted pacemaker in his heart since he was a small child. The doctors told his mother that he would never live to adulthood. He fooled them all, but it was his heart that got him in then end, anyway.

For the last few months he has been homeless and only the kindness of strangers has kept him from having to sleep in the woods.

Kenny had a hard and unhappy life, but he always seemed to have a sense of humor, and even when he was the most depressed, he never had a unkind word to say about anyone.

I miss you, Kenny.