No More Reviews

Someone put me on a list of people who write book reviews for blogs. About once a week I receive a request to read a book and write a review. If I say yes, I often get a credit at Amazon so I can download a book to my Kindle.

I have learned my lesson.

First, I feel bad for the people who pay the Amazon fee to get me to review the book. For almost all of them, the book is so bad that it will never sell many copies.

Next, people want me to review books that I would not normally read, especially Horror, Vampire, Zombie or Romance (porn for women).

Next, I feel bad when I read a book that I don’t like, so I lie about how good the book is, making me feel worse. When I hate a book, I try to find something nice to say, and this is insincere.

Last, it takes a long time for me to get to some of these books. I have lots of things that I WANT to read, and the the things that I HAVE to read get pushed to the bottom of the pile.

From now on, I am not open to reviewing books that I did not choose myself. My taste is quite narrow and there are many books that I want to read. I don’t need free books. I have about 500 books in my backlog from purchases that I’ve made at flea markets and garage sales including a few hundred magazines from the 1940s and 50s.

Don’t send me any more books to review.