How’s that working for you?

The phrase “How’s that working for you?” has become a sarcastic, obnoxious response to any attempt of a difficult task or policy, at least in politics.

My difficult task was to submit stories only to “PRO” markets. These markets get thousands of submissions a month and it is nearly impossible to crack. How’s it working for me? Well, I’ve had three stories that I consider “pro” quality out there in 2010. I received 24 rejections on them, far more than usual for my stories.I usually sell a story in less than three attempts, frequently on the first try.

There are a bunch of nice sites that pay $10 that are very happy to get something from me, but I haven’t sent them anything this last year. I have two more stories that I think are “pro” quality and I have not worked on them because of all the rejections I have been receiving. I am thinking of not writing any more SF for a while. It seems that this last year has pointed out to me that I am just not that good at it and I should concentrate on something else.

One Comment

  1. Paul Zagoridis wrote:

    I was going to write some encouraging “keep at it” note. But I thought about every successful writer I’ve spoken too. They all can’t stand the execution of their earlier work.

    The common thread is they kept writing to improve their craft. Keep keep writing some form of fiction.

    SF is as beholden to trends and fads as any other market. William Goldman said “Nobody knows anything”.

    good luck

    Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 7:05 pm | Permalink