Hugo Voter Packets

I had been looking forward to receiving copies of the Hugo Award nominees. This year the powers-that-be decided to distribute the books in electronic form. Since there is no way I am going to read anything as long as a novel on my computer I will not be voting for anything longer than a short story.

I am very disappointed about this and one of the things that helped me decide to sign up for WorldCon was that I might get a couple of free books to read. I don’t know who can sit at their computer for the time it takes to read a novel. I know that I would get a crick in my neck after about an hour. Maybe a few people have kindles or other ebook readers that make it easier. I can’t afford every new toy that comes out and I have to rely on my Sister-in-law’s technology hand-me-downs for anything cool. So far she is keeping her Kindle.