Stories Online

Mush had asked if I wrote Science Fiction stories about my bees. In truth, I actually wrote a story That included a bee-like alien (well sort-of), but this was a few years before I started beekeeping.

I looked for it and realized that it, along with most of my stories, have disappeared from the internet. Either the magazines are gone or else the editors did not keep the archived versions around.

I decided to start putting my stories back online. There are a bunch that only appeared in print and I want to get those going, too.

Today I put up two stories.

The first story, Flare Bound, is the very first story that I ever sold back in 2003.

The other story is The Telling, based on the poem Telling the Bees.

Both of these stories come, however remotely, from poems by John Greenleaf Whitter.

The title of the story Flare Bound comes from the Whitter poem Snow-Bound, although the story has little else in common with the poem.

In The Telling, however, I wanted to capture some of the mood of Telling the Bees. Bees are supposed to be told of a death in the family or else they will fly away from their hives. I used this idea to tell aliens with a hive mind about the death of one of the crew members of a spaceship.
