17 pasos para escribir y vender una historia de ciencia-ficción

A Spanish Science Fiction Blogger translated my 17 Steps to Writing and Selling a Science Fiction Story. I am very pleased with this. I would like more of the essays here translated into Spanish.

One of the things the the readers of the post complain about is that there are few markets for Spanish Language SF stories. I think this is just wrong. Spanish language internet is huge and I would be writing in Spanish if I could. If I spoke Spanish I would start an eZine today and I bet it would take off.

Here are a few that I’ve found, but there should be more:

Axxón: Monthly Argentine ezine of Science Fiction featuring fiction from around the world.

Alfa Erídiani: SF ezine which published a special supplement devoted to Cuban Science Fiction

Disparo en red: Homegrown Cuban site run by the Espiral Writers’ Workshop.

Químicamente impuro “Chemically impure”: a Spanish-language blog of ultrashort (40-149 words) stories, typically sf, horror, or fantasy.

Breves no tan breves: “Not so short shorts”: QI’s sister site, for stories between 150 and 1000 words.

Guaicán Literario — An exhaustive Spanish-language site for information on Cuban SF.

Cochambre Literaria: 17 pasos para escribir y vender una historia de ciencia-ficción.


  1. Carlos wrote:

    Very nice post and article. You may want to add to your list the Cuban ezine Korad, edited by Raul Aguiar and myself from the Espacio Abierto literary workshop. The numbers are distributed by email ([email protected] for susbcription) and are also available un the blog of the Cuban SF and Fantasy writer Daían Chaviano in http://blog.dainachaviano.com/
    If you send me one of your SF stories I will gleddy translated it to spanish an published it in Korad


    Carlos Duarte


    Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 5:19 pm | Permalink
  2. marisol mora wrote:

    hola me llamo marisol mora tengo 18 años de edad y me encanta escribir tengo dos historias de ciencia ficcion que me gustaria que se vendieran. La verdad me encantaria ser una famosa escritora solo busco una oportunidad Gracias!!!

    Hello my name is marisol mora I am 18 years old and i love to writte i have two fiction stories that i would like to sell. i would like to be a real famouse writter i just want an a opportunity. Thank you!!!

    Friday, September 7, 2012 at 7:30 pm | Permalink