10 Laws of Good Science Fiction

I finished what one of the last pages for the new improved cthreepo.com website. I wrote this the first time around 1999 and then forgot about it. It appeared in a sloppy form on the old website.

I complete rewrote it. I moved the inflammatory “No Nazis” law down and put a politically correct law at the top. I got rid of the weaker laws and some of the casual remarks so as to tighten it up. I then listed the laws backwards starting at 10.

The website is getting over 1,000 users a day now. The new site layout and ranking have helped quite a bit. I have been “Stumbled” by stumbleupon.com on three different pages. These have been writing pages as well as science pages so I have a whole bunch of new readers.

10 Laws of Good Science Fiction | Resources for Science Fiction Writers.