Fixing up the site

I made a few changes to the templates. I managed to crash the blog for about an hour. I could have fixed it quicker, but there’s this whole working for a living thing going on. I tried to sneak in some “self actualization” here at work, but the boss kept coming around to find out how I was doing on a project, and I had to hide the screens. Luckily, play code looks like work code, to people who don’t know the difference between PHP and Java.

I have many ideas. I added five new short story ideas to my idea list and I have a bunch of WordPress ideas that I want to finish. Instead of actualizing, I waste my time here at work coding for cash. Tonight the Mega Millions Lotto is well over a hundred million. I could use a piece of that.

I added a bunch of things to the sidebar as widgets and took out the hard coding. There is way too much stuff there now. I made a widget out of the theme switcher so I can position it on the sidebar without having to write PHP code. I put a bunch of stupid boxes on the side using the “text” widget, including a real creepy head reading my story “Frogs in Aspic”.