SEO Changes to Blog

You may have noticed that there is a pause before the header appears on the blog. You also may have noticed that on very small screens (800×600 or less) there is some wrapping of the menus and overlay of data. This is because I moved the header along with all the links to the bottom of the blog and then reposition it at the top.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

I did this because my Google page rank dropped from rank 4 (good) to rank 1 (bad) one day a couple of weeks ago. I have been reading up and I am making lots of changes to the way the data appears on the blog. Strangely the page rank has not affected the traffic flow.

I have been getting intimate with the blogger tags and as a result I am adding meaningful headers and descriptions to all of the blog entries. I have changed the archives so that they only have the name of the post and link to view the post page. I tried to make the whole blog a little smaller so that Google would spider the whole thing. I am using the new Blogger post editor for new posts to clean up the HTML a bit.

I have gone to the Google webmaster tools and started fixing the 404 – page not found, and one by one changing the static page headers, and the other problems that the spider discovered. Google Analytics shows different data than webmaster tools, though.

My next step is to find out from Google just why the page rank collapsed.

One thing that I noticed is that the original owner of the Cliche list (or someone claiming to be him) has put up his own cliche page again, but it is on Geocities and that will go away October 15. My version has his old page and tons of new content. I will be deleting the original list and leaving my own content and not calling it the “Grand List” anymore since it will be all original content after I reformat things. I don’t like getting traffic on the Cliche list because they seldom click on any links.

I deleted the posts and images of the H.S. Thompson stuff. That was a waste of bandwidth, and frustrating to see people load my page and immediately click to the original page.

I am getting zero hits from Stumbleupon or BoingBoing, but I picked up about 100 new surfers who are visiting more or less regularly – Who Are You People?