
The first month of Freezine was wild. Shaun serialized Cyberpunk writer John Shirley’s kickass short novel Sky Pirates and I shared the short story credits with Punk Fic writers Johnny Strike and David Agranoff. It’s a tough act to follow, but I’ll have to come up with something gritty for the next issue.

Shaun’s been advertising FreeZine. He’s got a gift for the blarney. I love being mentioned in the company of all these guys. (I added the bold type – Shaun forgot it). Here’s his copy”

Catch up with award-winning badass writer JOHN SHIRLEY and his brand new action packed homage to Edgar Rice Burroughs SKY PIRATES, exclusive to the Freezine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction! Sign up as Followers if you haven’t already, and check out the bonus stories by Johnny Strike (of the punk band CRIME!), David Agranoff (environmental activist and punk horror writer!), and Keith Graham (fellow beekeeper and mean blues harp player).


Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

If you’ve never read JOHN SHIRLEY–what are you waiting for? He cowrote the screenplay to the cult movie THE CROW, now get your asses over to the Freezine and catch up. You’ll be glad you did.

CLIVE BARKER says: “John Shirley is an adventurer, returning from dark and troubled regions with visionary tales to tell. Wetbones is a wild and giddy ride, confronting the reader with marvels and horror in equal measure. I heartily recommend a journey with John Shirley at your side”

WILLIAM GIBSON says: “One of our best and most singular writers. A powerhouse of ideas and imagery.”

BRUCE STERLING says: “John Shirley achieves things that other writers wouldn’t dare attempt. Brilliant. The true quill.”

Now Wake Up And Smell The Concrete. Get yourself a dose of John Shirley today, for free. Its why its called the FREEZINE. . . .