Boots is Back!

E. Jim Shannon lives in the northern hinterlands of Edmonton in Canada. They have some pretty fierce cold weather there. It goes down well below zero Fahrenheit. He had been taking in a stray cat he named Boots. Two weeks ago, in the middle of a deadly cold blast, Boots ran out onto the cold and disappeared. He and his wife called him for days but there was no sign of him.

Today, on his blog, Jim has a picture of Boots who met them at the door yesterday and ran up to the apartment and is now resting from his adventures.

Good News. (follow the link to see Jim’s other cats.)

One Comment

  1. .e. Jim Shannon wrote:

    Good news is we’re going to breaking out of this cold snap Thursday and by Friday we’re supposed to get up to +5C (about 41F) We’re going to let Boots back out for a few days and put something for him to eat under the tree out back.

    Providing Carl and his mate don’t get to it first. Actually my wife named him Boots. I’m not that creative when it comes to names.

    Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 2:05 pm | Permalink