Jimmy Rogers

I like this guy. I read his book (about his motorcycle trip around the world). I think he is very smart, but I don’t always like his opinions (or else I don’t understand them).

This is great rant about the banking system from 2/11/2009.

The key here is that Jim is shorting American Stocks, which means that he is sure that things will get much worse before they get better, and Jimmy is often right about these things.

One Comment

  1. Squirrel wrote:

    Hey Keith, thanks for your stories on South Nyack. I always feel very odd when I’m walking down by the corner of Cornelison and Bwy, looking towards the thruway ramps, to think about what it might have looked like there in the early 1950s. Very sad.

    Friday, February 13, 2009 at 10:37 am | Permalink