
I found an archive of old games in a disk that I had from the says that I ran a BBS. Eliza was a popular demonstration of limited artificial intelligence. The version that found is very limited, but is still an interesting idea.

I converted the program from GWBASIC to JavasScript. I think I got it to work OK, but I can’t really tell.

Eliza is a Freudian therapist who answers questions with questions. It should, if you play along, lead you to reveal your deepest thoughts and ideas and guide you to greater self understanding. I, of course, am not a Freudian, but lean towards Jung. Jung was into story telling.

You can add this you your own page. Just grab the code and paste it into your blog or web page html.

<script language=”javascript” src=”/eliza.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>

I am working on the classic text version of the game Trek. I played this game for hours back in the day.