Bee Keeping Digest

I used my GThread automatic blogging software to create a Bee Keeping Digest. There are no posts yet. It takes a while for Google to start sending the updates. As soon as I get an update or so you will see the entries.

I am seriously considering starting a hive in the spring. Erica sent me a link to a beekeeping site where they hold a class. For $95 you build a beehive and they show you how to set it up with bees. The place is an hour and a half north of here and it takes 9 hours on a Saturday.

I want to go and I will discuss it with Erica.

Justine, my mother and brothers think that I am insane for wanting to keep bees. Well, maybe I am.


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    You are insane. I can just picture a bee swarm chasing one of the cats into the house.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 5:07 pm | Permalink
  2. Squirrel wrote:

    I love bees and have hung out with beekeepers– I want to keep bees too– Gretchen (Thien) in Seguin Texas is a blogger who is a beekeeper. her blog is on my links list.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 6:49 pm | Permalink