
A few months ago I added twitter to my Morning “open in tabs” group. I am followed by 7 people and I follow 15 people. I find this addictive.

Twitterers (tweeters?) can be divided into several different types. There are those that tweet a line every time that have a thought, pass gas, have a cigarette or change their socks. I am slowly weeding these out. There are those that announce things they’ve written, read or accomplished – much more interesting. There are those that use twitter as an advertising tool for their web sites – I am eliminating these if they tweet too often (I am in this group). There are those that ignore twitter and you keep on your list just in case they have something to say.

The last type is limited to a single tweeter, PauDirac. He states: I was born as a physicist, I grew as a pythonist and I’m learning harmonica. He tweets in Spanish, mostly, but every so often he has a tweet in English that should not be missed. He is a harmonica player/physicist/pythonist (flavor of programming) so I keep him on. I try to puzzle out some of his tweets and use google to translate some.

I received my second spam twitter follower. These are tweeters who make one entry linking to a spam or porn site and then join the world, hoping the world will follow them. Twitter is good about getting rid of these people.

My twitter profile is at