Politics may be fun this fall

megan sarah_palin_2 I am looking forward to the political satire that will come this fall.

That’s Megan Mullaly on the left and Sarah Palin on the right.

The resemblance is wonderfully serendipitous and I hope that Megan makes a little pocket change with appearances on SNL and the late night talk shows.


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    Who are you going to vote for? (an inquiry from your annoying sister in law)…..

    Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 11:43 am | Permalink
  2. Keith wrote:

    If it’s a choice between Megan Mullaly and Sarah Palin, I’ll go with Megan.

    Strange, though, that you would have to ask.

    I once voted for a Republican. A good friend ran for mayor of Nyack. He was elected and I always regretted that vote because he was one of the worst mayors that the village has ever had.

    I will not make that mistake again.

    (From your ultra radical anarchist bro-in-law)

    Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 11:52 am | Permalink