has a new website. It is a nicely done CMS (Content Management System), likely Joomla or Drupal. I really like the way it was put together. It has everything you would need at an SF site, without obnoxious flash that would get in the way. I really like the Buck Rogers rocket that they use for a logo.

I generally don’t like reading on a computer screen (I do it for a living and I don’t like doing it for pleasure.) I will sign up and give a few stories a try. The bookmark is going in my “good morning” folder so when I click “Open All In Tabs” this will be there waiting for me.

I have experimented with CMS systems for use as webzines. They are difficult to modify, but very easy to use. Another Realm used a CMS, but did not keep up with the security patches and the site was hacked, bringing it down for months. E. Jim uses geeklog for his blog. I used geeklog and liked it. Here at work we use Joomla for the Intranet as it rates as having fewer security breaches over the years.

The main problem with CMS systems is that you have to hire a geek to modify and maintain them. It is not something the average webzine editor has time to do. / Science fiction and fantasy / Weblog, short fiction, art, and discussion

One Comment

  1. envaneo wrote:

    I’ve been having upload image issues with Gl lately. I use Blogger for photos but I might end up hosting a WordPress site and opt out of GL in the fall.

    I liked Drupple but was tough to manage. GL wouldn’t take the 2 photo’s I placed on my Blogger Blog. Plus I can;t put photo’s in a GL block.

    I like the Tor site as well and I’m going to be placing it in my list of links.


    Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 2:36 am | Permalink