Attention Rockland County people: Eliminating Putresables

I get emails from Rockland Community College, even though I am not currently teaching a class right now. Here’s one for all of my Rockland Readers from the Mad Maven of Mulch. If you attend, you get a Mulch Bin to create your very own pile of rotten stuff.

Greetings Fellow Planetary Stewards!
In response to many inquiries I have arranged to have Cornell Cooperative Extension present a composting class on campus on Tuesday, June 3 at 3:00 PM.  The specific room has yet to be determined but I will let all those who sign up for the class know well in advance.
You’ll see the process your yard and food waste goes through on the way to becoming plant food.  You’ll learn how to improve your carbon footprint by eliminating putresables (things that rot ) as we like to call them from your waste stream and return them to Mother Nature.
AND…… the end of the class you get to take home your very own compost maker suitable for backyards everywhere!
There is one catch, however.  In order to receive the bin you must be a Rockland County resident and show id to that effect.  It has to do with the grant Cooperative extension got to put on the program and give out the bins.
Soooooooo, anyone interested in the class please send me an e-mail by May 29th.  I need to let Cooperative Extension know how many will be attending.
Thanks, and
Happy Eco Trails to All
Mad Maven of Mulch