Basics of Science Fiction Writing

RCC has a course in SF writing (page 24 in the link above). I get in for free because I’ve been teaching there. I am considering going. Only one thing wrong with it is that I can’t find anything published by the teacher. I don’t know if Anne Phyllis Pinzow has a pseudonym or not, but I’d feel a little better about it if I knew she had a pro sale or three under her belt. All I can find is some fandom stuff at the cons.

The class would be fun and a chance to talk to other SF writer wanabees.

Basics of Science Fiction Writing

For writers who want to learn the fundamentals of writing science fiction and all the genres generally lumped under that title. It involves a great deal of imagination, thinking the unthinkable and asking questions most people don’t even think to ask. The action can take place in the vast realm of outer space or the inner space of the mind of a single individual. It can involve hard science or fairy dust. Who is to say they are not one and the same, dependent on the universe you choose to create?

DATE: Wed., Mar. 26 - Apr. 30
TIME: 7 - 9 PM
FEE: $199
LOCATION: MC, AC II, Room 2311
INSTRUCTOR: Anne Phyllis Pinzow

One Comment

  1. JimShannon wrote:

    I Googled her and it seems she’s a script writer snd reporter/editor in the NJ area.

    Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 10:36 pm | Permalink