Endgame: American Options in Iraq

I have to admit that I read the blog at Defense Tech, mostly for the cool gadgets that only the military can afford. The two main drivers of technology are Military and Porn. The later tends to drive bandwidth and interface developments, but it is hard to keep up on the new trends at work. The former drives command and control improvements including fantastic tech such as super armor, smart bombs and unmanned drones.

Defense tech recently blogged about an article at Military.com that is the most rational discussion of the War in Iraq that I have seen. Military.com, in spite of its name, is for the rank and file military person, not the command hierarchy or soldier wanabees. The website is always a good read. It deals with problems such as the families of personnel serving in Iraq. It is a great resource for anyone in the military. It produces some well balanced criticism of the war, the military command and the president.

Most discussions of Iraq are fraught with emotion. If you want to read an unemotional and rational discussion, check out Endgame: American Options in Iraq. This article may not change your mind, but it presents the facts clearly and highlights issues, especially about Iran, that are left out of other discussions.