Monthly Archives: March 2007

Getting hits: The Mechanics of Creating Quality Traffic

The way to get traffic is to have quality inbound links to your websites. If your site has original and interesting content, you don't have to do anything, The links will find you. The spiders will cover your site and gobble up your valuable keywords and spit them out as good placement in the search […]

CO2 concentrations, 1000-2100

One picture is worth 1100 years. CO2 concentrations, 1000-2100 I found this in a political argument in of all places. Global warming? Look at the graph and tell me what you think. Here’s another graph from the same site.

Martian Wave Test Feed

Over lunch, I was waiting for someone at Rye Playland to call be back about an issue in their accounting software. Never one to waste the gift of free time, I wrote an RSS generator that can be used for zines. I created a feed for three stories at The Martian Wave and I used […]

John Backus Died

John W. Backus, the man who developed the FORTRAN computer language, died last Saturday. FORTRAN is the first computer language that I learned and I owe a lifetime of job security to this man. Learning FORTRAN was like remembering something that I already knew. It was natural, easy, orderly and made so much sense to […]

Unexpected New Traffic

I don’t monetize this blog. I don’t actively promote it. The blog is, after all, for people who know me or have some other relationship with me. I don’t write much for the random surfer who winds up here by accident. That doesn’t mean that I don’t welcome new people to the KG Wanderings Community. […]

Dropping Smeerp and Wapfiction

I am letting several domains expire. They don’t pay their way. I have copied the code at to and is going away completely. Smeerp has half a dozen zines using it and a hundred or so users, but nobody was ever interested in my wapfiction idea of getting stories on your cell […]

SF Writers Rejected

Rudy Rucker and John Shirley, two of my favorite spec-fic writers are having a hissy fit for being snubbed by a new Cyberpunk short story anthology. These guys practically invented the sub-genre of Cyberpunk (along with Bruce Sterling and William Gibson) and made it popular. They deserve to be included in any new Cyberpunk anthology […]

Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop

NASA runs the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop for writers who want to know a more about astronomy. It runs for a week in July in Laramie, Wyoming, and it is FREE! You need to pay for the hotel, of course and get yourself out there, somehow. If I had the cash for a plane ticket, […]