ScienceFictional Editor

An old friend of mine, Mike Turabian, contacted me out of the blue. We worked together back in 2000 at IBM. He writes mostly mystery stories now, be he published two SF novels and a bunch of stories back in the early 80s. He came across my blog and read about He called me and we talked and he wants to be an Editor – what a jerk!

Anyway, I figure that if any one can cure him of this notion, I could. After I finished a complete reinstall of Geeklog at the site, I gave him the passwords and a hale and hearty Good Luck.

Mike is an avid reader of Analog, F&SF and a few other zines. He has old fashioned notions about what makes a good story, so I tend to agree with him.

He’s casting nets for unwary writers as we speak. He may decide to get rid of the themes that I came up with, it depends what stories he can get.

At least if our friendship is destroyed by this, I can comfort myself by the knowledge that Mike did this to himself, of his own free will.