Sold "Quantum Genie" to Fifth Di…

I sold my YA adventure tale Quantum Genie to SamsDotPublishing and it will appear in The Fifth Di… in the December issue.

I had previous written this as a story about two old fart anthroplogists returning from a dig, but it made far more sense as two kids and a strange artifact. The kids interact in a much more interesting way and the action seems more reasonable.

I sent the original, God in a Bottle about an old professor who finds an artifact that can destroy the ship, but then rescues it, to Orson Scott Cards new ezine. I don’t expect it to be published, but I did want to see how their slush works. It would be a hoot if they took it, because the Fifth Di… version is, by far, the better treatment.

It feels nice to get a story in at SamsDot – like coming home.