Sale: The Hand of Zorgo

About ten years ago, Larry, my brother, and I found a mechanical hand in a dumpster. We hid it so we could get it when we got back. We never did find it again and Larry told me the story of the alien hand that we found.

I wrote this up and sent it to Tyree at and the sucker bought it for Aoife’s Kiss. I would never have believed that anyone would find this (true) story interesting.

92 days is way too long to wait, though. Tyree has to get his response time down.

I am going to finish up the Privy Diggers Tale and see if he’ll buy that. It is the strangest of all the stories that I’ve written. So far it is about 8,000 words and will go to about 15,000 words so it will a tough sell anywhere and it relies heavily on the weird personalities of my friends as composite characters.