Hit and Miss

I received a no from SDO Ghost on a story that I thought that I had not submitted to them and a Yes from Tales of the Talisman for my Western tale. I thought that this one was a dead-un also because I mistyped my email address on the submission. The Talisman sub was for the December issue, but they are behind schedule. My story will be in the Fall issue.

I still have three stories out, but I don't think these have a shot.

I have decided that in 2005 that I will no longer submit to the zines that don't pay pro rates. It means that I must start investing in postage and long waits. I have proved that I can sell to most of the cheapo sites. I can't sell to Chizine or Ideomancer, but I believe this is due to the character of the zines. My stuff is just not appropriate. Their stuff is dark or sexual and my stuff is golden age style. I will continue to hit F&SF and try a few at SciFiction. This decision also means that I need to produce higher quality stuff; no more dashing off a piece with a pat plot and shipping it out. Only really unique stories will be finished. I'll see how long I can stick to this.